Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Texture theft and the designers

You worked into the night to get the collection complete by the fashion shows premiere.
You are sure these are the best designs you have made for a long time and can't wait to show them.
The models are arranged, the press notified of the event, invitations sent out and finally the big day arrives after a few sleepless nights worrying about how well the event will go.
Your nerves are stealed, your attention focussed on the models as they walk down the catwalk a little corner of your mind is tuned into the comments from the audience - 'oooo lovely' 'another great design' 'love the style not sure about the colours' 'I wonder if it comes in other colours?' 'Oh look at that its divine' 'Guess i need to go shopping'
Then into the admiring comments comes this BUY THESE DESIGNS HERE (SL-URL) FOR HALF PRICE!
What the hell???"#~!!!!????
This happened recently to Marco Eckert (SL name Dean Ashby) who runs Redgrave Fashion
Can you imagine how he FELT???
Banning the avatar works for a short time until they manage to replace it will another alt, but the sheer frustration of these designers is at an all time high.
I have heard stories of designers who want to quit SL, some who have stopped releasing new designs and others who have 'lost the will to build' can you blame them?
I can certainly understand it and sympathize completely.
I feel sorry for Secondlife, because this is happening, we as citizens are losing great designs, how can we 'be what we want to be' when someone can just come along and steal it?
Next time you see a design that has been ripped off - 1st DON'T buy it! 2nd INFORM the designer where you found the copy, he or she will need that information to pass on to the DMCA if you can send a notecard with a landmark and a description of the rip off, maybe with a name if you can find the owners name.
Help our designers, help us all to beat the thieves!
Dana Vanmoer


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