Thursday, February 28, 2008

Action Movie

A good friend Adonis Action made this movie for us about the paper and I thought I would share it with you. I have known Adonis for a long time and he is always coming up with new ideas like AMI, the great loan system anyone can place in their mall allowing people immediate loans to spend in your mall, what a great idea for us shopaholics!
Then these movies, who doesn't want to have a reminder of that special event - engagement, wedding, party, opening, a great build, your first sl home? This is a great way to keep those memories forever rather than just pictures which never seem to quite capture the moment. Give Adonis a shout if you would like him to record your moments or of course advertise - this movie is a great ad for our paper - (thanks Adonis) - he could do the same for all of your shops, clubs or events, lets see a few more sl related movies out there and maybe you will find it here one day too!


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