Saturday, February 20, 2010

Introducing M Fashion

Welcome to M Fashion

M Fashion is not a regular Fashion Shop nor a shop for buying the average outfit. M Fashion is a co-operation with high skilled designers, a Fashion Photographer & M&M Creations to offer complete information and fashion related goods.
M Fashion is set up for all requests for Full Permissions outfits next to M&M's Creations Full Permissions Fashion Sculpts.

What's so special about M Fashion?
- The sets of Clothes and Outfits sold at M Fashion on DoubleMM Island will be for sale Full Permissions.
 - For resell or as complete sets to change textures and combinations that can be made with the contents of the sets.
- The contents of the boxes can be sold seperatly. (mind the TOS-form, there are some restrictions)
- The Boxes contain all materials used for the outfit displayed. (EXCEPT Templates)
- With the full permissions sculpt maps, shade-maps, shaded textures and average textures, clothes and accesoires a lot more can be created and sold at your own shop with your brand and your name as the
- M Fashion will be giving advice and will help you create your own clothes in SecondLife.
- M Fashion even gives classes and tutorials how to create SL-Fashion and using Fashion Sculpts in your designs or creating textures and templates.
- Once a month an exclusive set of fashion sculpts will be composed and sold for 1 week. These starter-sets are a great help for your creations. No need to walk around for hours and teleports to several
places to compose sets yourself and spend too much lindens. No need to buy a box with 17 skirt-shapes, if you only need 1.
These sets will contain the full permissions sculpt maps of all parts and their shade-textures besides a complete rez to work with.

M Fashion can give out landmarks, links or places you might need to improve your skills or find materials you are looking for to create smashing Designs!
For questions and requests, please send 10 Goosson a NOTECARD.

Please read our TOS-Form, it containts the do's and dont's for our Items!!

See this month's release in our FASHION SECTION


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