Monday, November 2, 2009


The last day of the Burning Life when the artists took their builds, or burned them, many gathered at the Yokohama Burning Marching Band in Washoe for a farewell presentation. 
Then they burned the stage. Several burning parties took place on several sims ,but during the burning the builders were already talking of their ideas for the next display . Not only that place but the whole burning life. There were tears there to see it all go. It was quite a year for builds, shows, music ,parties, art , and fun! The burning of the Man and then the Temple was wonderful. The camaraderie on the playa was enjoyed by all, builders, visitors , presenters , rangers, the lindens. Oh, yes, there was also some grumbling during the week , but for the most part all the hard work  was appreciated. Griefers seemed to be  harmless and most disappeared. A great deal of work had been done long before the event opened. The teams that prepared the event deserve a lot of credit for their management skills. Many builders and other participants said it was the best one ever. 
The planning for 2010 is under way already! Dusty Linden is already hard at work with her team members. I have a feeling the next will be the best ever, again! One item that will not completely disappear is porta potties! The creations of many decorators who placed them around the playa will not be lost. They will be placed in a special spot to be admired. I will let you know when and where. 

Gemma Cleanslate


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