Sunday, January 27, 2008

What's going on?

Last week has been a quiet week! What's going on?

I read the official Linden Lab blog every day and the one thing that hit me, was that it was a particular 'slow news' week. Set aside some news about Havok4 and a new Windlight viewer, with only a couple of bug fixes, it was all boring for the common man. Even Torley "Watermelinden" Linden skipped his weekly video tutorial.

And today, on a cloudy Sunday morning, I log in and find that things aren't working again. I usually have about 200 people in my friends list. And right now? Only 1 friend (and not even online), 2 'waiting' and one Hippo (the official mascotte of Second Life).

So, again, WHAT'S GOING ON, dear Linden friends? Are you all working frantically behind the scenes to improve stability and performance? Or are you having a brainstorm week? Or are you having a celebration over the fact that Cory Linden has left LL and are you dancing on the tables overthere? Has part of LL shut down due to a flu epidemic? Have the janitors taken over the building?

Or is Phil on vacation to Guadalajara? What do you do when the boss is away?

The year 2007 and the first 2 weeks of 2008 have been very hectic for Second Life, with the introduction of bans on gambling, age play, SL banks, with the new features like Windlight, Voice, sculpted prims, open source, new alternative viewers, CSI:NY, age verification, with much turmoil amongst European Union based residents (about 40% of all active residents in SL) because of taxation, with land prices having dropped to an all-time low, with announcing future plans to link SL to other online worlds, and many other things ...

I guess we have been overwhelmed with lots of news from Linden Lab for a long time. Some good, some bad. And particularly in weeks like the last one, it almost feels like LL is keeping a low profile.

So please Linden Lab, tell us what's going on there! Finish Windlight, complete the Havok4 project, do your age verification thing correctly, get rid of all those different kinds of viewers that there are now (I have 5 different viewers installed right now, excluding On-Rez)...

And finally get to work on that stability thing !!! I want my friends back !!! :)

Thank you.


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