Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tyrehl Byk’s Particle Art at Diablous

In February, SL Newspaper did an article on Tyrehl Byk’s Event Horizon Particle Show, sometimes called the “Particle Phantasmagoria.” It’s gotten a number of rave reviews for his unique display of particle art, including an appearance on the “Tonight Live” talk show.

Tyrehl has not been resting on his laurels, but has still been at work. Besides his regularly scheduled show, he recently built an exhibit one can visit any time at the Benvolio sim, at Diablous Art Space.

The show is on a platform over 3000m in the air. After the scenery rezzes, one will see a domed building with a sign next to it. The sign asks for people to reset their viewer controls in order to see the particle show at it’s best. It shows what to set graphic settings in “Preferences,” including setting the draw distance low, near 100m, and maxing out the particle count. Then on the Advanced settings on the toolbar, one makes a couple other changes. Following resetting, one clicks on the door, then enters.

Right away, one gets a hint of what is to come, with the plasma-like light surrounding the passageway that leads into the dome. Once inside, one sees a number of platforms circling the edge of the building. Each has a number of buttons. By pressing them, a group of particles can be made to appear or disappear. Pressing a number of them, the results can be a quite detailed and visually striking display of brilliant colors. One button allows for the option of a half-dome to appear on the platform, but this is not necessary. One can cam into the cloud of particles, or walk in and see from inside via mouselook.

The platforms are not the only displays of particle art. There was another show of particles that occasionally appeared above, closer to the top of the dome’s interior. It would occasionally appear, sparkle in a show of color, and then slowly fade.

Once again, Tyrehl continues to shine with his particle light art.

The Diablous Particle Art Show is at the Benvolio sim at (130, 122, 3090).

Bixyl Shuftan


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