Sunday, July 8, 2007

New mainland continent

From the blog:


Since it first appeared in April, we have been selling land on the mainland continent that we affectionately call Nautilus, but that continent of 740+ regions will soon be complete. A new continent, Corsica, will therefore begin to appear within the next couple of weeks, sitting to the north of the Nautilus land mass. The new continent will have a larger quantity of waterfront land, plenty of bays and waterways and will be sold in region sized auctions as usual.

In advance of this, today we will be placing 40 regions for auction on the current Nautilus region.

These moves have been considered kind of controversial, since land prices have been plummeting in the last few months, due to the creation of those new sims and continents. Our guess here is that this trend will continue. This means less power to the big land brokers, but also more loss to the small time investors. But for the public at large, this must sound good, since it will be cheaper to buy land.

We will keep you informed about any other developments on land prices and and related happenings.


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